
Kubrick Todd, Part 7

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

(The next day, at the pie-shop, Miss Lolita is standing on a ladder & hanging up the ceiling decorations she bought yesterday, humming the bars to an Elvis tune as she does so.  Frank, however, is sitting in a chair at the table closest to the restaurant window, gazing outside with an impatient expression as he watches & waits for Judge Torrance or Beadle Deltoid to come.)

(At one point, Miss Lolita stops hanging up decorations when she pauses to see Frank sitting before the window & looking outside with that bitter expression of his.)

MISS LOLITA (stepping down from the ladder & going over to him):
Mr. Frank, how long have you been sitting by that window?

FRANK (not changing his expression or turning to face Miss Lolita):
Since late last night—probably around 11 or so.

MISS LOLITA (shocked by this revelation):
11?!  Mr. Frank, you’re trying to tell me that you haven’t gotten a wink of sleep since 11:00 last night?

FRANK (continuing to look out the window with his solemn gaze):
I couldn’t sleep.  I had to watch out for Judge Torrance & the Beadle...(after gazing at the window for several more minutes, he bows his head & sighs, closing his eyes) Why hasn’t Beadle Deltoid come yet? Before the week is out...that’s what he said.

But who says the week’s out? It’s only Tuesday.

FRANK (caught up in his narrow-minded musings):
But the Beadle...Judge Torrance...I can’t wait another moment...I need to seek my revenge on them...or I’ll surely go mad...

MISS LOLITA (taking Frank by the hand & leading him into her parlor):
Come with me, Mr. Frank.  I know just how we can fix this.

(Upon entering the parlor, Miss Lolita helps Frank sit down in a plush, polka-dotted armchair.)

It’s not much of a chair, but it ought to do...It was my favorite chair to sit in when I was a little girl; I would spend hours in it while reading my old picture books...

(Her attempts to make conversation, however, are fruitless.)

FRANK (not ridding his mind of his obsessive thoughts):
Why are you talking to me about picture books, when we could be talking about a way to get Beadle Deltoid & Judge Torrance?

Mr. Frank, they’ll come to you eventually.  Just be patient.

Patience was never a virtue I took to heart.

Well, you need to change that.  It’s no good working yourself up over high expectations.

CUE SONG: “Wait”

MISS LOLITA (singing):
Frank, calm down!
Don’t get stressed!
Sit down next to me
And just rest...
Close your eyes,
Take some breaths,

Don’t get spazzed
Or upset!
Frank, there’s no need to
Fuss or fret...
Just relax,
Don’t be vexed,

Maybe I’ll hang pictures,
Pretty paintings,
To brighten up the room!
Or I could play music,
Maybe soft-pop,
To relieve the gloom...
Just wait
Love, wait...

FRANK (still with desperate longing in his voice, impatiently):
But the Judge...When will I ever get to him?

MISS LOLITA (hoping to direct him away from his thoughts):
Don’t get your knickers in a twist.  Just relax...lay back...take a chill pill...

FRANK (not relaxed at all, twitching madly as he speaks):
But Judge Torrance has yet to pay...for what he did to my wife & daughter...for what he did to me...& all the other innocent people he may have wronged!

MISS LOLITA (exasperated, but sincere in her attempts at trying to help soothe him):
Mr. Frank, please!  Forget about the Judge for just a few minutes!  Here you are, moping around & getting so upset over something that happened a long time ago! (he does not answer verbally, but it is evident that he’s still hell-bent on reaching his goals) Frank, you musn’t go on like this.  You can’t spend all the rest of your lonely days dwelling on the past, ‘cause there’s just no point to it!  You can’t do anything about the tragedies in your life...You have to accept things as they happened...

Sometimes, things
Don’t go as planned,
But that doesn’t mean
Life will end!
Just move on
Let time mend

Don’t you know,
Frankie, hon,
Taking time to plan’s
Half the fun!
All good things
Come to those who can

Maybe I’ll play jazz tunes
‘Stead of pop songs...
Duke E. sounds nice...
What do you think?

(The song ends as Frank considers the message of Miss Lolita’s song.  Then he turns to face her, & smiles.)

FRANK (smiling):
I think I’d like to listen to a little Ellington.

(Later that afternoon, Alex Hope [now wearing a fancy, double-breasted purple coat with matching trousers {as well as white buttons, white cuffs, white pocket-flaps, & white collar-wings}, a glossy golden cravat, & black shoes] is standing outside Judge Torrance’s house, looking up at Sonietta’s window with sad eyes.  He frowns as he continues to see the red curtains hanging in the panes, blocking the room from view.)

ALEX (singing softly to himself):
You shouldn’t have to stay
Imprisoned in a cage,
Locked up & kept away
From the eyes of the world...
It makes me so enraged
To see you contained
With no hopes of escaping...

(Suddenly, the curtains are pulled apart, & the window is opened to reveal a smiling Sonietta.  Alex’s face brightens, & he returns the smile when he sees her.)

ALEX (happily, calling out to her):

SONIETTA (putting her finger to her lips & shushing him):
Shhh!!! (glances around to make sure that Torrance & Deltoid have not heard her, then looks back at Alex with an even bigger smile) I can’t believe you came, Alex!  I got something for you! (she digs into her skirt pocket & pulls out a small purse from one of her dress-up outfits)

ALEX (asking to her in a whisper):
What’s that purse for?

SONIETTA (whispering back):
You’ll see.

(Sonietta retreats back into her room to get a plastic bucket & a ball of yarn.  Then she ties one end of the yarn to the bucket handle, making a makeshift dumbwaiter.  Sonietta puts the play purse into the bucket & lets it hang out the window, before using the ball of yarn like a winch to lower it down.  As Alex watches with fascinated eyes, Sonietta carefully unravels the yarn from the ball to make the bucket go further & further down the side of the building.)

(While the bucket-lift descends, it wobbles from side to side, causing the purse to make noise as it whooshes around inside the pail & bangs against its plastic walls.  Alex begins to sweat & watches nervously as it goes down in front of one of the second-story windows—where Judge Torrance & Beadle Deltoid can be seen!)

(Behind the window, inside their “game lounge”, Torrance & Deltoid are sitting together at a card table, playing “Go Fish”.)

BEADLE DELTOID (holding a fan of cards in his hand & looking at it):
Do you have...any 3’s, yes?

JUDGE TORRANCE (looking at the fan of cards in his own hands):
Go fish.

(While going down in front of the game-lounge window, the bucket-lift wobbles, & the play purse clangs around inside of it.  Upon hearing the noise, Judge Torrance suddenly pauses, looking up from his cards.)

Did you hear something?


(The two go back to their game.  The bucket, now almost beneath the window, wobbles around again, followed by the sound of the play purse banging against its walls.  As soon as his ears perk up to the noise, Judge Torrance looks up from his cards a second time.)

JUDGE TORRANCE (frustrated, slamming his cards down on the table & getting up out of his chair to investigate):
Who the hell is making that noise?

(The bucket is quickly lowered down below the window in time, just before Judge Torrance turns around to see the empty window.  He stares out the window in shock for a few moments, before going back to playing his “Go Fish” game with Beadle Deltoid.)

JUDGE TORRANCE (as he sits down at the table & picks up his cards):
I could’ve sworn that something was going on out there...

(Sonietta lowers the bucket-lift down some more, until it reaches the ground.  Alex quietly moves over to take the play purse out of the bucket, &, upon grabbing it, looks at it quizzically.)

ALEX (looking at the purse in his hand):
What’s in the purse?

Open it up & see.

(Alex opens up the purse & finds a small golden key inside.)

ALEX (staring at the key with a puzzled expression):
...A key?

That’s the spare key to Judge Torrance’s house; he uses it to get inside when he can’t find his regular key.

ALEX (not yet knowing what to make of it all):
Then...why are you giving it to me?

SONIETTA (enunciating her words to emphasize the message she is trying to convey to Alex):
Well...when Judge Torrance & Beadle Deltoid go to the courthouse work...then perhaps, they won’t mind if you come into the “watch over” me...before they come back. (gives a coy wink of her eye)

(Alex begins to understand what Sonietta is saying now, but even so, he can hardly believe his ears.)

ALEX (hesitantly):
You...You want help you...escape?


ALEX (becoming increasingly delighted):
Really? You mean it, Sonietta? You’re not joking around? Are you sure you’re not pulling my leg?


ALEX (still incredulous at the very thought):
So you’re really, really certain this isn’t all a crazy dream or sneet of some sort? I’m not gonna wake up if I pinch myself?


ALEX (somehow unable to get himself to fully believe Sonietta, even though he knows she’s being honest with him):
So it isn’t a mirage? I’m not imagining this because I’ve been standing out in the hot sun all day?

SONIETTA (exasperated at first, but quickly calming down):
Trust me, you’re not dreaming, Alex!  Now, listen: go & find someplace safe that I can stay after you help me break out of the Judge’s house.  Do you know of a place where I might be able to hide?

(Alex thinks for a moment, then smiles broadly with a brightening face as he remembers something that a certain man told him at the beginning of the story, shortly after his arrival in Elstree.)

ALEX (looking up at Sonietta & smiling at her):
I know just the mesto for you!

(Taking the play-purse with the key in his hands, Alex begins to dash off for McDowell Street.  He only turns back for a moment to wave “goodbye” to Sonietta, still smiling at her.)

ALEX (as he rushes off, calling out to Sonietta with his free hand cupped over his mouth):
I’ll be here tomorrow morning, Sonietta, & then we’ll make our escape together!

SONIETTA (calling out to Alex from her window, with her hands cupped over her mouth):
Don’t forget, Alex—Torrance & the Beadle leave the house at 9:00 in the morning!  You’ve got to get me out of here before they return from the courthouse at 5:00!

ALEX (rushing away & calling out to Sonietta one more time):
I won’t let you down!

(After turning away from facing Sonietta, Alex deftly leaps onto a passing double-decker bus heading for McDowell Street, as the sun begins to set in the sky.  Once he has made his way through the door & dropped a couple of shillings into the fare box, Alex pants a couple of times to catch his breath, then, sporting a jubilant grin, begins to sing...)

ALEX (singing loudly & triumphantly):
I’ll steal you, Sonietta!
I’ll steal you...

(A disgruntled off-duty policeman with short brown hair & matching sideburns, TOM, glowers at Alex & grabs a crushed-up soda can from the floor.)

TOM (irritatedly, tossing the can at Alex from his seat):
Ah, shut up, you twit!

(The can hits Alex on the head, & he instantly plants his palm over the place where it made impact, rubbing his hand over the injured area in an attempt to soothe the aching pain.)

ALEX (as he does so):
Ouch! (turns to glare at Tom) You bratchny!

TOM (smirking meanly at Alex, his jaw moving around every second or two as he chews on the gum in his mouth):
“Bratchny”? (snickers) Is that one of those words they’ve been using in the new rap videos that are flooding the telly these days?

ALEX (calming down):
No, sir...It’s a Nadsat slovo.

TOM (unable to keep a straight face):
A “Nadsat...slovo”? (begins chuckling snidely) And what is Nadsat, if I may ask?

It’s just a form of slang.  All it is, is basically Russian, only you kinda...(he searches for the right words)...Anglicize it.

(Tom laughs even more, pointing at Alex as he does so.)

Russian slang, eh? So you’re a commie?

ALEX (taken aback by Tom’s words):
No, no!  I don’t even know what a commie is!...On second messel, I take that back.

TOM (leaning towards Alex, pointing at him as he flashes a conspiratorial smile):
So you are a commie, then!

ALEX (waving his arms about wildly in his panicked state):
No, wait!  I didn’t mean it like that!

TOM (rising to his feet & alerting everyone on the bus, much to Alex’s dismay):
Hey, everyone!  There’s a commie on the bus!

(The other people on the bus just stare at Tom like he’s bloody insane...all except for one man, an American war general whom we’ll call BUCK.)

BUCK (getting out of his seat & approaching Alex):
An agent of the Red on this here bus? Well, I’m darn glad I’m not the only one who smelled a commie rat!

(He cuffs Alex, before grabbing him by the collar of his jacket & pulling him in close towards him.)

BUCK (sneering at Alex & gesturing to Tom, who smiles smugly):
So...this guy over there says you’re working for the Russkies.  Ain’t that right?

ALEX (getting fed-up by now):
I don’t know anyone from Russia.  I just use their slovos for my own personal slang.  What’s the bolshy sodding deal?

(Buck glares at Alex, then cuffs him again.)

BUCK (glaring angrily at Alex, snarling):
Listen here, young ‘un...If you’re gonna live in England, you’re gonna have to learn to speak gosh-darn English!

ALEX (irritatedly):
I am English!

(Buck leans his face in closer towards Alex, continuing to glower at him.)

Oh, really? Are you sure you’re not a commie who sneaked his way into here from Russia & is just pretending to be English?

ALEX (retorting):
I have a perfectly-horrorshow idea of what my nationality is, thank you very much!  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a stop to make here, so I shall be on my merry way...

(He jabs Tom & Buck right in their tender areas, & Alex quickly scrambles off the bus.  Tom & Buck instantly regain their senses, however, & give chase after him.)

Get him!  Get the commie rat!

(Alex dashes madly down the sidewalk, hoping to escape Tom & Buck before they catch him.  The two men, meanwhile, continue to chase their quarry, but eventually, they lose sight of him & slow down, coming to a stop near an alleyway.)

TOM (looking around for Alex, as Buck does the same):
Now, where did that bastard go?

(Suddenly, light from an overhead streetlamp shines on the confused Tom & Buck.  A jazz tune suddenly begins to play, as Alex [dressed in an old-fashioned showgirl’s outfit, complete with fishnets, layers of petticoats, a feather boa, a big feathered hat, dancing boots, & gaudy makeup & jewelry] emerges from the alley & seductively struts out onto the sidewalk, singing in a high-pitched voice & dancing as he does so.)

ALEX (singing & dancing):
She’s a different lady with a different style
She stands tall & ready, like the Eiffel Tower
She is hip to politics, but loves her jazz...

ALEX, TOM, & BUCK (all singing & dancing together):
She’s got lots of rhythm, she’s got lots of class...
Everybody knows how she got her name, yeah, yeah...

She wears knee-length dresses with her high, high steppers
She’s not no back-stabber, but she’s sure a pleaser
She talks quiet & gentle, she acts very cool
She sticks close to her lover, she obeys God’s rule...

(The three men continue to sing, but at the same time, they link arms & kick up their legs as they perform an elaborate can-can dance down the brightly-lit sidewalk.)

ALEX, TOM, & BUCK (singing & dancing together):
Sophisticated lady...
Sophisticated lady...
Sophisticated lady...
Sophisticated lady...
Everybody knows how she got her name, yeah, yeah...

TOM (singing as he does his can-can steps):
She’s the kinda person that you’d like to meet...

BUCK (doing the same):
‘Cause she’s always smilin’, & she’s always neat

TOM & BUCK (singing & doing their can-can steps with Alex, who does not sing):
She can start a fire in the coldest man
She’s a hip, slick sister throughout the land, oh...

(Alex quietly manages to slip away from Tom & Buck, who obliviously continue to sing & can-can down McDowell Street, not realizing what just hit them.)

TOM & BUCK (merrily singing & doing their can-can steps as they disappear down the sidewalk):
Sophisticated lady...
Sophisticated lady...

(After making sure that Tom & Buck don’t notice he’s gone, Alex hurriedly makes his way through the door of Miss Lolita’s pie-shop.)

(Inside the restaurant, which has a few new decorations [including the ceiling ornaments that were being hung up earlier] & is also starting to look a lot cleaner than it used to, Miss Lolita is dancing to Natalie Cole’s song “Sophisticated Lady”, which plays on a record that spins on her little phonograph.  Frank still sits at the table he was in previously, watching Alex run into the shop as the young boy, exhausted & panting for breath, quickly peels off the showgirl-esque dress, petticoats, feather boa, feathered hat, & flashy jewelry.  He then proceeds to rub off the makeup & start removing the fake eyelashes from his eyelids...but after he takes off the left eyelash, he decides to stick it on the bottom lid of his right eye to go with the other eyelash.)

(Then Alex looks down & realizes that he is only wearing fishnet leggings, the pair of dancing boots, & a pair of purple boxer shorts.  He quickly looks back up at Frank with a sheepish expression, blushing bright-red with embarrassment.  Frank rolls his eyes in playful mock-annoyance & hands Alex the clothes he was wearing before the costume change.)

FRANK (smiling as he hands Alex his clothes & other accessories):
There’s a men’s washroom in the back; you can change in there. (Alex takes the bundle of clothes from Frank’s hands, smiling & nodding as though to say “thank you”) But for the record, you look good in boxer shorts. (smirks good-humoredly)

ALEX (smiling bashfully, as the crimson color briefly returns to his cheeks):

(Alex retreats into the men’s room, shutting the door behind him.  A few minutes later, he comes back out, wearing his purple coat & trousers, golden cravat, & black shoes...along with the fake pair of eyelashes on his right eye.  He sits down with Frank at his table.)

So, how was your day, Mr. Hope?

It was...very eventful.

How so?

Well, um, it’s like this...

(Before Alex can tell his story, he & Frank are both startled out of their wits when the record starts skidding.  Miss Lolita quickly dashes over to the phonograph to set the needle on its proper groove, & the record goes back to playing its song; Miss Lolita promptly resumes dancing to the music, not paying attention to what is going on around her.)

ALEX (watching Miss Lolita whirl & twirl across the restaurant floor, losing herself in her dance):
She seems to be a bit...preoccupied.

Oh, you mean Miss Lolita? Don’t mind her; she’s just a bit of a flibbertigibbet. (he & Alex watch Miss Lolita dance some more, before turning to face each other again) Now, then, you were saying?

(after a short pause) Well, um, maybe Miss Lolita would like to slooshy, too.

Oh, all right. (turns to face Miss Lolita, calling out to her with a hand cupped to his mouth) Miss Lolita? Miss Lolita? (Miss Lolita doesn’t respond; she just keeps dancing to the music) Miss Lolita, kindly stop dancing & pay attention!  We have a guest among us! (Miss Lolita continues to dance, not heeding Frank’s words) Miss Lolita?  Miss Lolita!  Miss Lolita!!!

(When Miss Lolita fails to realize that Frank is calling her, the barber groans in exasperation.)

FRANK (now quite irritated at this point):
Blast it all...

(Frank gets out of his chair & goes over to the phonograph, taking the needle off the record & cutting off the music.  Miss Lolita absent-mindedly continues dancing & humming to the song that was playing, but when she finally realizes that it’s not playing anymore, she gradually stops moving, opens her eyes, & snaps out of her captivated state.)

MISS LOLITA (looking around in puzzlement):
Umm...what happened to the music I was dancing to?

FRANK (now less irritated, but with a hint of frustration in his sarcasm):
I’m afraid Ms. Cole had to leave the building.  Now, while you wait for her return, why don’t you sit down at the table with me & our guest?

(Miss Lolita goes over to the table & sits down on the opposite side of Alex.  She turns aside to smile briefly at Alex, who faces her & returns the smile, before Frank speaks up with a clearing of his throat.)

FRANK (smiling amiably):
Miss Lolita, I would like to introduce you to my good friend, Alex Hope.  Alex, this is my dear assistant & good lady friend, Miss Lolita.

ALEX (smiling cheerfully as he offers his hand to Miss Lolita):
Hello, Miss Lolita!  How do you do?

MISS LOLITA (smiling broadly at Alex as she grabs his hand & vigorously shakes it up & down with enough force to jostle him—for a girl her age, she possesses incredible strength!):
Oh, I’m doing fine!  And how ‘bout you?

(When Miss Lolita stops shaking his hand & Alex stops moving, he calmly withdraws his hand & brings it back towards him, still maintaining his affable smile.)

ALEX (as he gently pulls his paw away from Miss Lolita):
I’m doing quite horrorshow, myself.

(Miss Lolita, having never heard the ‘slanguage’ of Nadsat before, instantly sports a puzzled expression on her face.)

What’s “horrorshow” mean?

It means “great”.  Swell.

MISS LOLITA (now nodding her head in realization as she begins to understand what Alex means):
Ohhh!!!  I getcha!

Yes, & now, Alex has something he would like to discuss with us.  I hear he has quite a story to tell about what happened to him today...

Yes, um, about that...Well, you see, there’s a devotchka.  A young girl who needs my like help.  Such a saddiwad devotchka, she is, & lonely, too...but...but beautiful, & sweet, &...

Wait, Alex, slow down.  What about the girl?

My sincerest appy-polly-loggies, sir...Anyway, the devotchka lives with a guardian, this chelloveck who claims to be her like Pee—I mean, father-like-figure—who’s so cruel & tyrannical that he keeps her locked away in a room upstairs, with iron bars on the window & a locking system on the door...She can’t get out, & she’s absolutely miserable there.

MISS LOLITA (frowning sympathetically):
Aww, poor dear...

But then, earlier this afternoon, when I went to viddy her, she gave me this klootch—her father’s spare key. (takes the play purse out of his coat pocket & opens it, taking out the small golden key, which he shows to Frank & Miss Lolita) Sonietta told me I could use it tomorrow to sneak into her Pee’s domy & help her escape...That’s the devotchka’s eemya, sir.  Sonietta.  And Torrance, that of her Pee-figure.  He’s supposed to be a judge of some sort, if I remember correctly...

(Frank & Miss Lolita exchange glances at one another, before facing Alex again & listening to the rest of his words.)

I met Judge Torrance once, when I first went in to try & viddy Sonietta.  And he unnatural moodge.  A terrible, disgusting, inhuman monster!  So tomorrow morning, when Judge Torrance itties off with Beadle Deltoid to the courthouse, I’ll take the spare klootch, go inside the domy, release Sonietta out of her prison, & ask her to come away with me this very nochy. (pause) But...there’s a malenky bit of a problem...

What would that be, Alex?

You see, sir...Sonietta needs a safe mesto to stay somewhere, until I can get tickets for a train to London.  And I don’t really know any-veck in Elstree in a droogily manner...except for you, Mr. Frank.  If it’s all right with you & Miss Lolita both, might Sonietta stay at the pie-shop for a couple of hours before I take her to London with me?

(Alex stares at Frank & Miss Lolita with a deep, pleading gaze of his blue eyes.  Frank takes a few moments to think about it, then nods his head in approval of Alex’s request.)

You may bring Sonietta here.

ALEX (smiling gratefully at Frank as he takes his hand & squeezes it tenderly in his own):
Thank you so much, my dearest droog, for your selfless act of kindness.  I can honestly say that Sonietta & I will both forever be grateful to you for this! (after shaking Frank’s hand, he gets out of the chair & begins walking towards the door, waving “goodbye” to Frank & Miss Lolita as he exits the pie-shop) I’ll have Sonietta at the shop with me before 5:00 tomorrow!  Bye!

(When Alex is gone & the door has swung closed behind him, Miss Lolita turns to face Frank with a happy smile, & vice versa.)

Well, it looks like everything’s coming up roses for you, Mr. Frank.  You’re gonna get to see Sonietta, after all.

(Frank can hardly keep the tears of joy in his eyes from flowing down his face.)

FRANK (overcome with emotion):
My daughter...My sweet daughter...At last, she’s coming back home to her loving father...(his face suddenly falls, & his expression becomes sad) But only for a few hours...until Alex takes her away to London...

MISS LOLITA (still smiling cheerfully & gently holding Frank’s hand in hers as she makes a sincere attempt to console the barber):
I’m sure Alex will bring Sonietta home for the holidays...& maybe for summer vacations, too.  And you could also write letters to her while she & Alex are abroad.

FRANK (as the smile returns to his face, though it is more of a bittersweet one):
I suppose you’re right, Miss Lolita. (wipes some of the tears from his face with his sleeve) I have no reason to fear about losing my daughter again...For as long as she’s safe & happy with the boy she loves, she’s in good hands...& as long as I know that I’ll still be able to speak to Sonietta, to hear her sweet voice, to see her pretty face & gentle smile, & to hold her in my arms & tell her how much she means to me...we’ll never truly be apart from each other.

MISS LOLITA (reaching over to give Frank a big hug & a pat on the back):
That’s the spirit, Frankie!  Mrs. Hart—(she rephrases her words) Your wife would have been very proud of you.

(When he hears Miss Lolita mention his ‘late’ wife, Frank suddenly tenses, letting out a pained groan.  A few tears fall from his eyes again, but he quickly dries them with the hem of his shawl.)

FRANK (whispering softly as he closes his eyes & becomes lost in the memories that are beginning to fill his tortured mind):
Oh, Catherine...If only you were here to see your daughter now...

(Now, like Frank, we have gone back to another time & place—in what was once the Hartford family flat, several years ago; it is a clear autumn night, & the glow of the full moon can be seen from outside the window.  The barber formerly known as Benjamin Hartford [portrayed again in his mid-40’s, with the short blonde hair & muttonchops that covered his head in his younger days] is attempting to sleep after a long day’s work, but Baby Sonietta is in her cradle, crying & mewling loudly.  Catherine, dressed in her nightgown & bonnet, is sitting in a rocking chair nearby, knitting a blanket for her daughter.)

(As she works on her knitting, Catherine is able to labor peacefully, undisturbed by Sonietta’s crying.  On the other hand, Benjamin [which is how he will be referred to in the flashback] is not having much luck with his own efforts to relax.)

BENJAMIN (tossing & turning in bed, as he tries vainly to get the sleep he so desperately needs):
Catherine, will you please put the knitting stuff away? It’s past 10:30, & Sonietta needs to go to do I.

CATHERINE (not breaking from her serene state of concentration, continuing to work on knitting the blanket):
I’m almost finished, dear.  Just a few more minutes.

BENJAMIN (covering his head with his pillow as Sonietta’s crying becomes louder & more shrill):
Sweetheart, I beg of you, have a little mercy on your husband!

Oh, Benjamin, darling, don’t be so self-centered.  You need to learn patience.

I’m afraid that if I had, all my patience would be spent at this moment.  Normally, I would have sung Sonietta a lullaby & rocked her, but I’m too tired to do it tonight, after all the work I did today...Why don’t you sing to her tonight? Please?

(After a few minutes have passed, Catherine puts the darning needles away & looks at the finished blanket, smiling when she sees what a wonderful job she did on it.)

There!  All done! (she takes the blanket & goes over to the cradle, gently picking Sonietta up into her arms & covering her with the warm, fuzzy comforter) Here’s a new blanky for you to cuddle up in, baby...

(Even with the blanket around her to ward off the cold, Sonietta continues to cry, but the ever-cheerful Catherine is not daunted in the least.)

CATHERINE (with a happy smile on her face, as she speaks with joyfulness in her sweet, beautiful voice):
Oh, don’t cry, Sonietta!  It’s OK...Mommy’s here...(she cuddles Baby Sonietta & gently strokes the soft blonde hair on her daughter’s head, shushing her & whispering comforting words in her tiny ear) Why don’t you let Mommy sing a song to you to help you go night-night? (Sonietta gurgles between her cries) All right...Mommy will sing to you now...

(gently bounces Baby Sonietta up & down in her arms, as she starts out with a silly, playful tune)

(Baby Sonietta stops crying & begins to laugh in response to her mother’s nonsensical number.  Catherine, who joins in the laughter with her own melodious tittering, smiles at her daughter & kisses her on the nose, making her giggle even more.  Then Catherine starts singing again; this time, she changes the tune & words of her song, which switches to a slower, more calming tempo.)

CATHERINE (pacing the floor & rocking Sonietta back & forth in her arms, as she sings a gentle lullaby):
Now, now, don’t you weep, my sweet dove, my dear...
Just close your blue eyes, & don’t shed a tear,
For Mommy & Daddy will be right here
Drift off to sleep, my dear lamb, my love,
While stars are a-twinkling in skies above
Rest without woe, little doe,
Sweet baby dove...
And while Mr. Moon smiles upon you, my dove, my dear...
He’ll hang up the stars just for you in the skies so clear
So just close your sweet blue eyes...

(With a great big yawn & a stretch of her arms, Baby Sonietta falls fast asleep.  Catherine smiles at her daughter once again, bending down a bit to kiss her rosy cheek, before going over to tuck her back into her cradle.  Just before Catherine can place her inside, however, Baby Sonietta murmurs contentedly in her sleep as her chubby little hand grabs her mother’s dress-front—a signal that she doesn’t want to leave the warmth & safety of her arms.  Catherine smiles sweetly & goes over to the bed she shares with Benjamin, carefully sitting down beside her husband on the mattress as she continues to cradle Baby Sonietta in her arms.)

CATHERINE (whispering to Benjamin, as she rocks Baby Sonietta back & forth a little):
You don’t mind if we make some extra room for Sonietta, Benji? For just one night?

(Benjamin returns Catherine’s smile.)

BENJAMIN (not the least bit bothered by his wife’s suggestion):
I suppose it wouldn’t hurt, darling.

(He carefully takes Sonietta into his arms & holds her against him, smiling down at the sleeping infant.)

BENJAMIN (fawning in adoration as he watches his daughter slumbering peacefully):
Catherine, look...she’s sleeping...

CATHERINE (smiling as she gazes upon the tender sight): peaceful our daughter looks when she slumbers.

BENJAMIN (turning to face his wife with a loving smile, as he continues rocking Baby Sonietta in his arms):
She takes after you, my dear.

Yes...(yawns drowsily) She does, indeed...(she lays down on the bed, rests her head on the pillow, & cuddles up under the covers, turning to face her husband with a gentle look on her face) Goodnight, Benji.  Goodnight, Sonietta.  Pleasant dreams...

(Catherine closes her eyes & falls asleep.  Benjamin lies down beside his wife, lays the blankets down on top of him, & snuggles up with Catherine, still holding little Sonietta in his arms.)

BENJAMIN (reaching out a hand to tenderly stroke his wife’s long red tresses of hair):
Goodnight, Catherine. (blows a kiss to her) Sweet dreams to you, too.

(Benjamin rests his hand on Catherine’s head in a doting gesture of affection as he closes his eyes & falls asleep.  Mother, father, & child are all resting peacefully together now, their slumber undisturbed as the quiet night wears on...)

(Now we are back in the present time; Patrick Frank is still sitting at the table, lingering in the memories of a past long gone by.  For several minutes, he does not say anything, but only weeps in solemn silence.  Then, after a while, the barber finally speaks.)

FRANK (his voice barely above a whisper):
If I will never have the chance to hold you in my arms again, my beloved Catherine...then I am grateful to at least be able to have one thing from my stolen past returned to me...(a sad, but nonetheless-satisfied, smile plays his lips) Our sweet, beautiful child.  Your child.

(Miss Lolita smiles & hugs Frank, profoundly glad to see him this happy.  Never before, until this moment, has she ever seen him like this.  Could this be a sign of Frank’s return to the way he once was...the way he was when he was her old neighbor?)

I think Sonietta will really love to see your smile again, Mr. Frank.  I’ll bet she’s never even seen a smile once during all those years at Judge Torrance’s house...It’ll really be a welcome sight to her.

FRANK (smiling even more broadly, much to Miss Lolita’s delight):
And a welcome sight is just what we want for our visitor! (he gets out of his chair & makes his way upstairs to his flat, with whole-new feelings of vigorous vivacity & animated liveliness now present in each & every one of his movements) Come along, Miss Lolita!  I think it’s time we put your marvelous decorating skills to some good use!

MISS LOLITA (picking up the hem of her dress in her hands & briskly following after Frank, as the smile on her own face widens):
I would be most honored to provide my assistance, Mr. Frank!
Part 7 of my crossover / musical / parody fanfiction "Kubrick Todd"--& my first update to the story in 6 months! Go, me! :w00t: :dance: *Ahem!* Anyway... ^^;

In this chapter, it turns out that Patrick Frank is not-so-patiently waiting for Judge Torrance & Beadle Deltoid to come to his barber shop; he simply can't wait (excuse the redundant repetition) to finally have his revenge on the dastardly duo, but Miss Lolita (with the power of song) manages to soothe her comrade's frattered nerves & assures him that "good things come to those who can wait". Meanwhile, Alex Hope has come to Judge Torrance's house to visit Sonietta again; the fair damsel gives her "knight in shining armor" her father's spare key, which he can use to sneak into the house & help her escape. Alex promises to come back tomorrow morning & help Sonietta flee from the house before Torrance & Deltoid return from the courthouse that afternoon; with that, he takes the next bus headed for McDowell Street. After a nasty run-in on said bus with a paranoid general & an off-duty cop who suspect him of being a "commie rat", Alex manages to evade the duo & seeks safety in Miss Lolita's pie-shop, where he first meets the lovely young restaurateuress & tells Patrick Frank about Sonietta, hoping that he will allow her to stay with them until he can fetch a train for them to take to London (where they will begin a new life together). Frank allows Alex to bring Sonietta to the pie-shop, & with a few words of thanks, Alex exits; Frank, in the meantime, is pleased at the turn of events that has occured--not only will he finally have his revenge on Judge Torrance, but at last, he will be able to see his long-lost daughter once again! The anticipation of being reunited with Sonietta fills the empty void in Frank's heart with pure happiness & grants him a sense of newfound life, life that had once eluded him....Could this be a sign of Patrick Frank's return to the kinder, gentler man he used to be? Only time will tell...

:bulletblue: All characters, elements, & properties of the Kubrick films featured, mentioned, &/or parodied in this fanfic (C) Stanley Kubrick, Warner Bros. & Columbia Studios, & the authors of the stories or novels on which said films were originally based (i.e., Vladimir Nabokov, Peter Bryant, Arthur C. Clarke, Anthony Burgess, William M. Thackeray, Stephen King, Gustav Hasford, & Arthur Schlesinger, in that order).
:bulletblue: All elements & properties of the "Sweeney Todd" stage musical (C) their respective owners.
:bulletblue: All elements & properties of the 2007 "Sweeney Todd" movie (C) Tim Burton, Warner Bros., & Dreamworks Studios.
:bulletblue: All songs from the "Sweeney Todd" stage musical &/or film were originally written & composed by Stephen Sondheim, though I take credit for the rewritten versions of the lyrics (& no more).
:bulletblue: All original elements & properties (as well as song numbers) (C) Anastasia Ashworth, a.k.a. The Mouse Avenger. Please be sure to ask for permission before usage. Thank you very much. :)

Enjoy the chapter, & feel free to review after you're done reading. :D Feedback of any kind, from simple comments to constructive criticism, is greatly encouraged & appreciated, as long as they're not flames or written in an overly-harsh, stern, or excessively-nitpicky manner.
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